The Horizon Theater presents auditions for "Ordinary Days"
"Ordinary Days" is a sung-through musical featuring four characters, Claire, Jason, Warren, and Deb. It is set in New York City and explores how their ordinary lives connect in some of the most amazing, and unexpected ways.
Auditions will be held March 31, with potential callbacks on April 1. The show will most likely be double cast, with six performances June 1-4. It is directed by Sarah Schaeperkoetter, and assistant directed by Najmah Elgelaawi.
Auditions will be held March 31, with potential callbacks on April 1. The show will most likely be double cast, with six performances June 1-4. It is directed by Sarah Schaeperkoetter, and assistant directed by Najmah Elgelaawi.
Broadway Theater Rock Springs
618 Broadway, Rock Springs, WY 82901
Mar 31, 2023
6:00 PM MDT to 8:00 PM MDT